Advertising in the premises Policy

Advertising in the premises Policy



At STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation, we recognize the importance of effective advertising to promote our products and services. To this end, we have established a policy that governs advertising within the premises. This policy ensures that advertising activities are conducted in a manner that respects the property’s aesthetic, maintains safety standards, and upholds professional integrity. Through this policy, we aim to maximize the visibility of our offerings while maintaining a harmonious environment for guests and visitors.


The purpose of this policy is to regulate advertising activities within the premises managed by STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation. This policy ensures that advertising efforts are conducted responsibly and in alignment with the property’s standards and values. By establishing clear guidelines, we aim to promote our products and services effectively while maintaining a safe, welcoming environment for guests and visitors. This policy applies to all advertising materials and displays within the premises, including but not limited to flyers, posters, and digital signage.


This policy applies to all properties managed by STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation where advertising activities are conducted. It extends to all advertising materials and displays within these premises, regardless of the type or format of the advertisement. 


Advertising: Any promotional activity or materials aimed at promoting products, services, or brands within the premises managed by STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation.

Premises: The physical space or property managed by STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation, including indoor and outdoor areas.

Flyers: Printed promotional materials distributed within the premises to convey advertising messages.

Posters: Printed or digital displays used to showcase advertising content within the premises.

Digital Signage: Electronic displays used to broadcast advertising messages or content within the premises.

Adhesive: Any substance used to attach advertising materials to surfaces within the premises.

Permanent Attachments: Fixtures or installations intended to affix advertising materials to surfaces within the premises for an extended period.

TV Displays: Television screens located within the premises, used for broadcasting visual content to guests and visitors.

Idle Mode: The state in which TV displays are not actively being used to broadcast content, typically displaying screensavers or other visual elements.

Property Owner: The individual or entity who owns the property managed by STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation.

STR Pro: The services responsible for managing short-term rental properties and overseeing advertising activities within the premises.

Uversal Management Corporation: The owner of STR Pro.



  • STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation reserve the right to advertise their products and services without damaging the aesthetic or premises and without using adhesive or any permanent attachments.
  • STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation also reserve the right to add advertisements to the TV displays while they are in idle mode.
  • Advertising materials must be appropriate, professional, and respectful of the premises’ aesthetic.
  • Advertising materials must not obstruct pathways, entrances, exits, emergency equipment, or visibility of safety signs.
  • Advertising related to illegal, discriminatory, offensive, or harmful content is strictly prohibited.
  • The property owner shall not be liable for any advertisement posted by STR Pro and Uversal Management Corporation within the premises


Property Owners: Property owners subscribed to STR Pro are responsible for adhering to the guidelines outlined in this policy.

STR Pro: STR Pro is responsible for overseeing the implementation and enforcement of this policy.


Compliance with this policy shall strictly adhere to the outlined guidelines without exception.

Effective Date

This policy shall become effective immediately upon publication on our website. Any revisions or updates to the policy will also take effect immediately upon their posting on the website.


The administration of this policy shall be overseen by the management team of STR Pro. Responsibilities include ensuring the consistent implementation and enforcement of this policy.

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